Thanks for yet another great newsletter! I was surprised and sad to read in der Spiegel last week that Germany seems to be going in the other direction when it comes to being dependent on the car. It's no news that Germany loves its cars but to hear young Germans saying that they're increasingly dependent on owning a car, new records in people taking drivers licenses, record sales of SUVs etc. I didn't expect this. It's a long but very interesting read in German (translation works just fine): https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/service/mobilitaet-tempolimit-und-ausbau-der-autobahnen-deutschlands-kulturkampf-ums-auto-a-efa9ec0d-f9d8-4b70-a20b-292404f02539?nlid=E421B59B-B69D-43B0-BF12-C4F819678ECB

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Thanks for sharing Martin, that is super interesting and disconcerting. Will give it a read!

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